AR500 Steel Gong Shooting Targets Bundle (5 Pack) – 3/8″ AR500
Sale Price $152.99 -
AR500 Steel Gong Shooting Targets Bundle (5 Pack) – 1/2″ AR500
Sale Price $206.99 -
AR500 Silhouette Gong Shooting Targets Bundle (3 Pack) – 3/8″ AR500
Sale Price $152.99 -
AR500 Silhouette Gong Shooting Targets Bundle (3 Pack) – 1/2″ AR500
Sale Price $206.99
Upgrade your range with one of our Rangetime shooting target bundles. Steel target shooting can be great fun. More steel equals more fun! We try to put together packages that will help you get a good start on your range while giving you the best bang for the buck.
Get your favorite Rangetime shooting target bundles in either 3/8 inch thick AR500 or in the heavy duty 1/2 inch thick AR550. All of our targets are CNC laser cut and made in the USA. Laser cut AR500 and AR550 targets have cleaner harder edges than plasma cut targets. Laser cutting is a cooler faster process that keeps the integrity of the steel intact.
3/8 inch thick AR500 works well with all handgun calibers and rifle calibers up to .308. AR550 targets have a harder surface and thicker at 1/2 inches so you can shoot magnum round rifles from .338 up to 50 BMG. If you like close combat quarter shooting with a AR-15, we also recommend AR550 1/2 inch. Not sure what steel shooting target bundle you need? Check out our caliber chart.
Rangetime target bundles come in silhouettes, gongs and mixed packs. All of our steel shooting target bundles have three 1/2 inch carriage bolt style holes so you can mount your targets how you like. Center mount with one of our mounts or use the outside holes and hang them from chains.